
Learning a musical instrument boosts kids’ brains

Melody Strings | Learning a musical instrument boosts kids' brains
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In a study, published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, a child psychiatry team has found that learning a musical instrument could help children to reduce feelings of anxiety, gain greater control of their emotions and give a stronger focus to their attention.


According to the research, learning a musical instrument is a terrific opportunity for children to express themselves creatively while picking up a new skill. It could be much more than this though.


There are 232 children within aged 6-18 were take part in the survey which developed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) MRI study of Normal Brain Development.


Each participant underwent MRI scanning and behavioral testing on up to three different occasions with a two-year interval between each one. As well as the data from these brain scans, the researchers had access to the participant’s IQ and musical training data.


The authors had also mentioned that “Musical training was also associated with cortical thickening in areas of the brain related to executive functioning, inhibitory control, and the processing of emotions. These include working memory, attentional control, as well as organization, and planning for the future.


Articles and information are published by Medical News Today :


Learning a musical instruments boosts kids brains